Thursday, September 13, 2012

Memories in Sunsets

Summer vacation has almost always included a trip to my family's cottage in lake Huron in northern michigan. I have gone almost every summer since I was a baby except for the summer of 2011 where I stayed in Billings to work. Being 'up north,' as we hoosiers call it, holds an extraordinary amount of memories from the past year and of course there are many collections of pictures from these adventures. My old camera was by far not the most fantastic piece of equipment in the world and I honestly never really knew how to use it correctly, but it was usually within reach when a nice sunset presented.



I find myself surprised how some years I have an absolute lack of pictures. Perhaps other family members had their cameras on hand and I no longer have anything that pre-dates 2006 as those images were lost in a house fire last year. There are likely hard copies of some photos dating back to the early 90s, but any files before 2006 are gone. There is an obvious improvement just in my use and handling of my old camera, and I was very comfortable with the control and could change settings without thinking, but I still never quite mastered everything. My goal with my new DSLR is to gain intuitive knowledge of how it reacts and responds with different settings in different situations to start producing high quality images to document future vacations among many other activities.

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